The Rock Stops

March 8, 2012

After the high of seeing The Rock on Wednesday, I decided to give it one more try. Unfortunately, it hit a big snafu in its route! A sneaky bridge settled just enough to deny the clearance it needed. So when I went to the pre-determined intersection- No Rock! I drove around thinking, ‘you can’t really hide that thing anywhere…’ but after I called my MPS (Mark Positioning System) he looked up The Rock’s Blog (yes The Rock has a blog) and confirmed that the route had been changed. The Rock was now in Carson!

I drove through some unfamiliar neighborhoods and found it sitting, on a non-descript street, with very little fanfare- and very few fans! ??? The Celebrity Policeman and his thought balloon were still waving to passerby along with some confused-looking older people probably wondering WTF? So after taking a few shots I headed back to the car and noticed that The Rock was sitting right in front of a church named….wait for it….The Rock of Salvation. You just can't make this stuff up.

The Detour of Divine Intervention?